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3 Things That Need to Go Right for The Warriors to Reclaim Their Throne
NBA, NBA Playoffs, Basketball, Sports, Warriors Jabari Jefferson NBA, NBA Playoffs, Basketball, Sports, Warriors Jabari Jefferson

3 Things That Need to Go Right for The Warriors to Reclaim Their Throne

Steph’s foot injury is a huge question mark, and our lack of interior presence causes me to roll back my expectations and not feel as confident as I was to start the season off. BUT, and I do mean BUT, I believe there is a chance for us to reclaim our spot on top of the NBA world if these three things go our way… and God, I hope they do.

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Golden State Warriors’ ‘Strength in Numbers’ Burns Bright like the 14-15’ Championship Run
Sports, NBA, Warriors, Basketball Jabari Jefferson Sports, NBA, Warriors, Basketball Jabari Jefferson

Golden State Warriors’ ‘Strength in Numbers’ Burns Bright like the 14-15’ Championship Run

Strength in numbers is in its truest form, is the purest exhibit of basketball. It’s what attracted future Pro Basketball Hall of Famer Kevin Durant to join the Warriors back in the summer of 2016. Ball and player movement, to go along with excellent shooting and passing is what makes this run of strength in numbers similar to its original season in 2015.

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